Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Google+ Users Accuse Facebook of Fearmongering with Automatic Security Flags

Some Google+ users are complaining that Facebook is making it harder for friends to access their posts on the competing social network, by throwing up a security warning on Google+ links. Facebook is claiming security issues, and has its partner, Norton Antivirus-maker Symantec, to back it up. But users are crying foul.
Several Google+ users who have set the service to automatically update their Facebook pages say when friends click on the links directing them back to their Google+ profiles, they get a Norton Antivirus-branded warning message reading, in part, that “the link has been identified as potentially unsafe.” Facebook signed a deal with Symantec to offer free antivirus protection in April.
We’ve asked Symantec and Google for comment and will update this post when we hear back from each company.
Update: Facebook spokesman Frederic Wolens said the company would "never" use its external blacklist system for competitive reasons.
"We integrate with many different external blacklists including Norton and when there's a block on their service we provide a warning to our users," Wolen said in an email. "I have already reached out to Norton to notify them, however, the cause for the block is a question best suited for their PR Team." 
“Both companies know that a link to Google+ is perfectly safe. There are no banner ads and no way for malicious code to be downloaded from Google+. There has never, to the best of my knowledge, been a malware event originating from a Google+ link,” Mike Elgan wrote in a Google+ post to his followers. “Even after you click "Ignore this warning," every single link is flagged in the same way, with no "learning" or option to accept all links from the site.”
Update: Elgan added another Google+ post saying Facebook had removed the warnings, but some commenters said they were still seeing a warning, only without the Symantec branding. 
Tech blogger Liron Segev went one step further, running Norton’s Safe Web Check on Google+. The check came back with no identified threats.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Facebook rolling out central location for apps

There's more to Facebook apps than ``Angry Birds'' and Pinterest, but many users wouldn't know that because there hasn't been a good, central way to find them. 

Facebook Inc. is trying to change that. On Thursday, Facebook is beginning to roll out its App Center to its nearly 1 billion users, so they can find games and other applications with social components more easily. 

The App Center, available on Facebook's website and on Apple and Android mobile devices, will recommend apps to users based on their interests, the types of apps their friends like, or the apps they have liked in the past. 

Many people are introduced to Facebook apps in the form of sometimes-annoying requests from their friends for poker partners, Scrabble buddies or neighbors on virtual farms. Those requests haven't necessarily matched a user's specific interests. 

The new App Center will initially feature about 600 Facebook apps, mostly games, reviewed by the company to meet its quality standards. Games, such as Zynga's ``CityVille'' and Electronic Arts' ``The Sims,'' are the most popular types of apps on Facebook. 

But the company is betting that by personalizing recommendations to users, people will find new types of applications beyond games, along with games that are more interesting to them. There are all sorts of social apps that use Facebook, from music-listening services such as Spotify to what-you-just-ate tools such as Foodspotting. 

``We spend all day, every day building a platform (so that) great social games and apps can exist,'' said Matt Wyndowe, product manager for apps and games at Facebook. But a common question has long been where to find them. ``Up until now, we haven't had a great answer to that question.'' 

Facebook said that on mobile devices, the App Center won't compete with other app stores, such as Apple's or Google's. Rather, the App Center will send users to those other stores to download the programs. People can also get mobile apps from their regular computers by using a feature called ``send to mobile.'' 

Among the roughly 600 applications included in the App Center at launch will be the Nike Plus GPS running app, which lets users track their runs and broadcast it to their Facebook feed. Ricky Engelberg, whose title at Nike is experience director at digital sport, said having a place where apps are showcased will ``let more people be part of the Nike Plus community.'' 

The App Center, which Facebook announced last month, will be rolled out to US users beginning Thursday night and to everyone else over the coming weeks.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Facebook Posts Its Internal C++ Software Library

Facebook has released a library of C++ software components used to help run its site, the social networking company announced Saturday.
Facebook engineers also announced the release at a C++ conference the company is holding Saturday at its campus at Menlo Park, California."One clear bottleneck to releasing more work has been that any open sourced project needed to break dependencies on unreleased internal library code," wrote Facebook software engineer Jordan DeLong, who posted an entry on Facebook announcing the release.
Facebook has relied on open-source software, such as MySQL, PHP and memcached, to run its sites. And so the company has made a point of releasing its own internal programs as open-source software as well, such as the HipHop PHP compiler and the Thrift service sharing framework.
For many of its open source releases though, Facebook developers have had to rewrite some of the functionality that was borrowed from this library. By releasing the library itself, Facebook will be able to "continue open sourcing parts of [its] stack without resorting to reinventing ... internal wheels," DeLong wrote.
Even if developers don't plan on using Facebook developed applications, they should still take a look at this library, as it includes many utilities of possible to use in other environments, DeLong said. Many of the components available in Folly run more quickly than their equivalents available elsewhere, he boasted. "Our motivation was to build components that were faster and more efficient than what we previously used," he wrote. These utilities were designed to be used in heavy production environments, across thousands of servers.
The components cover a range of functionality. One component was designed to use memory more efficiently. Another reduces contention. The AtomicHashMap utility cuts the amount of time a piece of data in memory is locked by an operation, which can slow performance and cause bottlenecks in heavily used environments. A set of string manipulation components use fewer CPU cycles than formatters in other C++ libraries, DeLong boasted.
The Folly library is posted on GitHub, and Facebook will add new components as they are written, according to DeLong.

Facebook implements 10-second rule to reduce auto-sharing app spam

Tired of seeing every single thing your Facebook friends read and watch on the internet on your news feed? That could change now that Facebook has implemented a 10-second rule for all its applications.
So what does the rule mean for you exactly? Let's say you and your friends have one of Facebook's applications installed on your account. You now have to spend at least 10 seconds reading the article or watching the video on the website connected with the application before it can post a status update for you.
While 10 seconds may still be too short, this rule could lessen accidental sharing, because we're all guilty of clicking links we never actually meant to click. If you'd rather not share your app activities on Facebook altogether — your boss could be in your friends list after all — you can revoke an app's permission to post status updates for you.
When you install an app on your account, check if you opt out of automatic status updates from the start.
Facebook app controls
For apps you already have installed, go to Account Settings, navigate to Apps, then click the small x next to "Post on your behalf," or change the apps posting permission visibility to "Only Me."
Facebook app control panel

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Cloud computing: How tech giants like Google, Facebook, Amazon store the world‘s data

In the evening of April 11, 2012, Mike Krieger, the co-founder of Instagram, gave a talk in San Francisco. What he must have known, though his audience didn't, was that in less than 24 hours, Mark Zuckerberg would announce that he was buying Instagram for a billion dollars. 

Given that he was about to become A Very Rich Man, Krieger hid his excitement well. The talk called "Scaling Instagram" was a long and technical one about the challenges of growing the popular photo app. One of the final slides (number 176 of 185) had just two words: "Unprecedented Times". The next one said: "2 backend engineers can scale a system to 30+ million users." On the eve of the Facebook deal, Instagram had bumped up that total to five engineers. 

If this doesn't sound quite as remarkable as it should, it's because we are now inured to Silicon Valley startup stories originating in garages with a couple of geeks, who end up making millions - or a billion. Look at this 'growth' in a different way then: it's as if Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak built the first Apple computer and within a day or two of building that first prototype, were able to ship several thousand models to customers. 

So you might retort of course, that software is different. You can 'scale' bits and bytes in a way you can't with metal or glass or plastic. Fair enough. 

So imagine this scenario: you create a piece of software which allows millions of users to upload millions of photographs and tweak them and tag them and share them. You need someplace to store those photographs and you need to be able to handle thousands or millions of users swarming over your website or app everyday without it going down. 

In a world where competition is intense, users will simply dump you, if your app slows down or freezes. So your 'downtime' has to be pretty much close to zero. For the user, whether they are in New York, or Tokyo, or Ankara or Mumbai, you have to be always up, and always running, 24 hours a day. 
Storage by numbers

Monday, May 14, 2012

Facebook co-founder Eduardo Saverin renounces American citizenship

The Facebook co-founder Eduardo Saverin officially defriended the United States in September, giving up his American citizenship for the more tax-friendly residency status of Singapore. 

Saverin, who was born in Brazil and has lived in Singapore since 2010, plans to remain indefinitely in the Asian island nation, where the maximum personal income tax rate is 20 percent and capital gains are not taxed. 

A spokesman for Saverin insists his client did not renounce the citizenship he has held since 1998 for financial reasons. "I have worked with him for over a year, and that never came up," said Thomas Goodman. "Obviously it was a big decision, but he's making all these investments in Europe, Asia and the U.S. It just seemed a lot simpler." 

Goodman declined to say exactly what simplifications the impending billionaire would enjoy, other than the financial. 

The renunciation, published by the State Department at the end of April and reported first by Bloomberg on Friday, became public just days before Facebook shares are expected to be sold to the public. The company is expected to be valued at more than $85 billion. 

Saverin owns less than 5 percent of Facebook, but is expected to be worth more than $3.5 billion after the public offering. The decision was made several months ago, Goodman said. "Everyone is trying to tie this to the IPO and taxes," he said. "It was never about that." 

Loss of his citizenship in September makes it likely that the process was initiated sometime around last May, according to a person with knowledge of the situation. People leaving U.S. citizenship under such circumstances typically pay an "exit tax," which is a final bill based on all assets. 

Saverin, 30, helped found Facebook while at Harvard with Mark Zuckerberg, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes, all of whom remain U.S. citizens.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Facebook buys Glancee in another mobile play

Facebook confirmed on Friday night that it has purchased Glancee, a mobile app that uses your location and Facebook login to connect you with like-minded individuals who happen to be near you in real life. Details of the deal were undisclosed but it looks like Glancee will be shutting down and some or all of the team will be joining Facebook — and they will be working on location-related features for the giant social network. Facebook confirmed the deal in a written statement: ""
We are thrilled to confirm that Facebook has acquired Glancee. The acquisition closed today. We can’t wait for co-founders Andrea, Alberto, and Gabriel (Chief Executive Officer Andrea Vaccari, Chief Operating Officer Alberto Tretti, and Chief Technology Officer Gabriel Grise) to join the Facebook team to work on products that help people discover new places and share them with friends.
On the heels of Facebook’s $1 billion buy of Instagram, this deal likely isn’t in the same league financially, but some view it as another indication that Facebook needs to ramp up its mobile experience. Ahead of its initial public offering, Facebook watchers seem obsessed with two primary stories: the glut of money that some people stand to make, and Facebook’s lack of competitiveness in the mobile arena.
Glancee does have some cool elements, and the promise of being able to connect my virtual Facebook life with my physical one using the Glancee app is certainly compelling. However, unlike its Instagram buy, where the service is staying up and running, Glancee is getting shut down. How much of what it does gets incorporated into new location features that Facebook might be working on remains to be seen.
Instagram had the benefit of not just being a cool photo-sharing app, but a viable mobile social network all on its own — and a fairly massive user base — whereas Glancee seems to be a mere tool. And so like other tools Facebook has purchased (hey remember Hot Potato or the April purchase of Tagtile?) Glancee may turn up later as a cool recommendation feature. Or not.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Facebook lets users take more data home

Facebook on Thursday began letting members of the world's leading online community take more of their pictures, posts, messages and other data home with them.

Facebook expanded the types of information its approximately 845 million members could download from their personal account histories to include data such as friend requests and IP addresses of computers used to log-in.

"This feature will be rolling out gradually to all users and more categories of information will be available for download in the future," Facebook said in a message at its Public Policy Europe page.

The move comes as the California-based Internet star works to reassure regulators, members and advocacy groups concerned about how much privacy and control of personal information people have at Facebook.

The "Download Your Information" tool was launched in 2010 to allow Facebook members to keep copies of what they share with friends at the social network.

Facebook is expected to make a much-anticipated debut next month on the technology-heavy NASDAQ exchange. Facebook in February filed to go public and could raise as much as $10 billion in the largest flotation ever by an Internet company on Wall Street.

Facebook, which is shifting operations to a former Sun Microsystems campus in the California city of Menlo Park, had a reported net income of $668 million last year.

Revenue nearly doubled to $3.7 billion in 2011, with most of it coming from targeted advertising gleaned from personal information shared by the platform's hundreds of millions of users.

Facebook's value has been estimated at between $75 billion and $100 billion.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Facebook e-commerce: the next big thing?

A group of e-commerce start-ups, backed by some of the tech world's most pedigreed financiers, are betting that Facebook Inc can become an e-commerce powerhouse to rival Amazon.com Inc and eBay Inc.

As the world's largest social network hurtles toward a $5 billion initial public offering, it will come under more pressure from Wall Street to find new sources of profit growth and reduce its reliance on advertising, which accounted for 85 per cent of its 2011 revenue.

Some entrepreneurs and investors increasingly think "f-commerce" - meaning e-commerce on Facebook - is the answer. Start-ups such as BeachMint, Yardsellr, Oodle and Fab.com are coming up with novel ways to persuade Facebook users to not just connect with friends on the social network, but to shop as well.

Backed by tens of millions of dollars from venture capital firms like Accel Partners and Andreessen Horowitz, and other big investors like Goldman Sachs(GS.N), these start-ups are pushing out shopping apps, hosting online garage sales and testing out new business models on Facebook.

"E-commerce is a huge category with very strong tailwinds and it's a natural move for Facebook," said Sam Schwerin of Millennium Technology Value Partners, which owns Facebook shares and has a stake in BeachMint.

Amazon revolutionized online shopping by crunching lots of customer and purchase data to come up with relevant, personalized recommendations. In the same vein, Facebook's combination of data, analytics and payment technology could fuel the next generation of e-commerce, Schwerin said.

Harvard MBA David Fisch, a former executive at eBay's StubHub online tickets business, oversees Facebook's e-commerce efforts, working with retailers to build social commerce businesses on the platform.

"People have always shopped with their friends; now they expect it online," Fisch wrote in a December blog. "Companies who think differently about social will find success."

Fisch declined to comment, but investors said Facebook understands the importance of having an e-commerce strategy.

"It's a big imperative for them," said Theresia Gouw Ranzetta of Accel Partners, an early backer of Facebook. "They understand it's an important strategic benefit for them to make e-commerce players successful on the platform."

If Facebook were built today, It would be a Mobile App

James Pearce, head of mobile developer relations for Facebook, likes to point out that 'you and your friends don't always have the same devices' or even use the same mobile platforms.
That's a problem for the company, as it has to support all the major platforms, from Apple iOS to Google Android and beyond - often putting it in the position of benefitting its competitors. But it's also a huge opportunity for Facebook itself to shape and dominate that common platform.
At a small lunch with reporters on the social media giant's luxe new Silicon Valley campus, Pearce explained that the mobile issue is far from trivial.
'Mobile is the epitome' of social, Pearce claimed. 'If Facebook were built today, it would be a mobile app.' He had numbers to back it up: Facebook currently has 425 mobile users (compared to 825 million total users).
But those millions are fractured among native apps running on specific mobile platforms and browser-based mobile Web apps. Surprisingly, according to Pearce, Facebook's mobile Web app usage outweighs that on Android and iOS combined.
Mobile Web apps give the company the opportunity to be the glue for that common platform, if it can convince developers to use technologies like HTML5 to create mobile Web apps that tie into Facebook for distribution and sharing, instead of relying on native platforms (and their individual app stores and ecosystems).
The problem is that HTML5 still has many weaknesses - no access to the phone's camera and other hardware, no DRM support, streaming and performance issues, and more - compared to native apps, so the company is working hard on many fronts to overcome those objections and convince developers - especially smaller ones - to see HTML5 as a valid option.
Those efforts include OpenGraph, which gives mobile developers a structured way to control how their apps interact with Facebook. And support for the Core Mobile Web Platform Community Group, or coremob.org, of the W3C - which brings together developers, carriers, phone makers and browser developers - is also underway to prioritize which HTML5 issues to work on first and test 'which browsers have a chance in hell of supporting what [developers] are trying to build.' Members of the Core Mobile Web Platform Community Group
The situation is complicated by the fact that many potential participants have conflicting interests. Apple and Google have so far declined to join, for example. 'As a browser vendor, I can't see why you wouldn't want to maximize the number of apps that run in your browser,' Pearce - a former schoolteacher - asked rhetorically. But Apple and Google also have giant mobile device businesses they want to protect, and Facebook's promotion of mobile Web apps over native apps could cut them out of the loop.
Pearce admitted that today, at least, there's no one answer as to whether it's better to develop native apps for mobile Web apps. It depends on what the app does, he said, and how much the developer wants to broaden its footprint. 'We present the decision tree, and we will be there for them whatever they choose. We won't choose for them.'
He also acknowledged that the choice isn't binary, with many 'hybrid' apps combining native and mobile Web functionality. And that approach is core to Facebook's own approach.
'We go through the same process' for Facebook's own apps, Pearce said. But whenever possible, Facebook 'uses the mobile Web app' and 'we work hard to make the mobile Web experience similar' to the native app experience. So, it creates hybrid mobile apps that rely on the browser as the primary rendering engine but use a native 'shell' to access device functions that a browser can't reach on its own.
Facebook, Pearce said, wants to be the platform of choice for mobile developers - if not a technology platform, then a distribution and discovery platform. The company clearly doesn't want to remain beholden to the iOS and Android app stores for how people find, buy and share mobile apps.
Facebook wants to be at the center of that ecosystem. That's why HTML5 and mobile Web apps are so appealing to the company - and so threatening to Apple, Google and any other company tied to its own devices and platforms.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Top 5 Facebook Privacy Tips

Frequent Facebook users have a love-hate relationship with the world's largest social network. It's hard not to worry about how Facebook is using the information we so freely feed it, yet the platform itself is so fun and enjoyable to use, oftentimes it's easier to overlook the bigger privacy picture for in-the-moment fun. Parents share images of their kids with friends and distant relatives. Artists trade links and images on Facebook, collaborating and curating ideas and interests. Yet the social networking comes with a price, as evidenced by the controversy caused by the Girls Around Me App, which uses public Foursquare and Facebook location data to map women nearby. And of course, it's easier to freak out about apps like this than to seriously consider what dumping your personal information onto Facebook itself means.

Facebook users need to be aware of what they're sharing and with whom, especially the young and vulnerable. To get a better idea of five ways to better protect your Facebook privacy, ReadWriteWeb talked to Sarah Downey, a privacy analyst for Abine, the maker of Do Not Track Plus.

Be aware of what you share on Facebook, but also keep an eye on social-sharing apps that let your friends share your information. If you are worried about the information that you've made available on Facebook, limit with whom you share it.
1. Limit Sharing to Friends Only

This suggestion is diametrically opposed to Zuckerberg's famous 'the age of privacy is over' declaration in 2009 in which he decided that everyone should share everything they posted on Facebook with everyone else. Later he retreated on this statement. The FTC stepped in, especially as the Timeline era approached. Facebook users can set the default to 'friends only,' and that's exactly what Downey suggests.

'If you're sharing with 'friends of friends,' you're exposing your info to an average of 150,000 people,' says Downey. 'When your data is open to the public, it can - and does - end up anywhere: the Girls Around Me app or Spokeo.com are two creepy examples.'

To change the settings to friends-only, go to Privacy Settings, and select 'Friends' or 'Custom.' Adjust the settings according to whom you would prefer sees your posts. Note that if you check the 'Friends of those tagged' box, you are allowing Facebook to share the post on your wall with the friends of the person tagged.
2. Don't Let Your Friends Share Your Info

Pay close attention to requests from random Facebook social apps like BranchOut. (Plus, do you really want to do 'career networking' on Facebook? Casual networking is one thing, but for purely professional connecting, go to LinkedIn.)

'BranchOut requests your basic info; your email address; your profile info: education history, location and work history; and your friends' profile information, including their education histories, locations and work histories,' says Abine. 'Even without your permission, BranchOut can access your friends' permission.'

This is not only intrusive, yes, but also indicative of something more important: As soon as you become Facebook friends with another user, you are allowing them to access a great deal of information about you. This is even more reason to watch what you share on your Facebook profile and who you become friends with.

To change this setting, go to Privacy Settings > Apps, Games and Websites. Then select 'How people bring your info to apps they use.' Go through and uncheck information about yourself that you don't want your friends to share via social apps and games.

3. Take Care of Your Taggage

That's right, I said taggage, not baggage. It's all kind of the same these days, though. Unlike Google+, which asks users if they'd like facial recognition turned on in photos, Facebook offers 'tag suggestions.' This means that when a photo that looks like you is uploaded to the network, Facebook suggests adding a tag. It says that this helps 'save time,' especially when many photos are uploaded from a single event. It does not tag you automatically, but this sort of thing does count as facial recognition. If you would like to opt-out of this feature, change the 'who sees tag suggestions when photos that look like you are uploaded' option to 'no one.'

If you don't mind keeping it within friends, select the 'friends' option. You can also adjust the Timeline and Tagging options, turning on the review tags and review posts friends tag you in.

4. Limit Audience for Past Posts

The switch to Timeline caused many to promptly wipe and clean up their Facebook profiles, making them shiny new and pristine for friends. Changing the privacy settings on old posts means that you're making a conscious decision to share even past posts with only your current Facebook friends. This includes posts you've previously made public, or posts you've shared with people who you may not be friends with anymore. It poses an interesting question - do you want to change your Facebook past? That photo of an ex that you've since Facebook defriended, or perhaps a friend that you needed to unfriend for a time? If those photos represent memories, is it really necessary to go for a one-size-fits-all vision of your Facebook past?

'Think of this button as a one-stop shop to edit visibility of all your past Facebook posts,' says Downey. 'Anything that was open to the public or friends of friends will change to friends only.'
5. Make Your Subscriber Search Private

Do you want your Facebook profile to be a community space, or a subscriber-based stream of you? Removing the public Subscribe option will help keep random strangers out of your publicly facing community.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Facebook Considers Adding The Hate Button

In 2010, TechCrunch broke the news that Facebook was going to release a “Like” button for the whole darn Internet. Now, TechCrunch has learned Facebook is considering a “Hate” button as well.

According to Facebook’s S-1 filing, users are now generating 2.7 billion Likes and Comments per day. With the Hate button, Facebook expects to at least double that. The S-1 noted “popular Pages on Facebook include Lady Gaga, Disney, and Manchester United, each of which has move than 20 million Likes.” Many inside the company think the Hates could easily top that.

When the original Like button was announced, Mark Zuckerberg made a bold prediction there would be over 1 billion Likes across the web in just the first 24 hours. Sources at Facebook say Mark is estimating 2 billion Hates on the first day. Facebook studies have shown the sad fact that people hate things on the Internet more than they like things. There’s also an internal debate on whether the new button should be called “Hate” or “Dislike.”

Monday, March 26, 2012

Facebook's new tool to tell you your 'real friends'

Social networking giant Facebook has introduced a new tool to help users decide who their real friends are, and who is just an acquaintance.

The social networking site introduced "Close Friends" and "Acquaintances" lists last year.

Now, by monitoring users' online interaction, the site will automatically suggest a list of friends who have not been contacted in a while to be demoted to 'acquaintances,' The New York Daily News reports.

On hitting the 'add to acquaintances' button, you will still be Facebook "friends" with that person, and they will never find out that they've been downgraded.

You will just see fewer of their posts in your feed, the report said. You can also keep acquaintances from getting all of your life updates in the future.

When you are sharing something new on Facebook, hit the button to the left of "Post" in the lower right-hand corner of the update box, it should say "Public" or "Friends," depending on your default settings, the choose "Friends except Acquaintances."

Though the acquaintance list feature has existed since last fall, Facebook has just started recommending "friends" you might not want to hear from for a while.

According to the report, to use this feature, one has to navigate to the "Friends" page, select the "Acquaintances" list, and then click on "See All Suggestions."

Sunday, March 25, 2012

How To Access Deleted Photos on Facebook

Deleted photos can be simply accessed if you know URL of the image which has been deleted from the Facebook Server. To get a proof follow the following steps:-

1. First of all, open Facebook image in New Tab which you want to delete.
2. Copy URL of the image from address bar and paste it in Notepad.
3. Now Right Click on it and select Copy Image URL and paste it in Notepad. (We will
use this URL later)
4. Delete the Photo.
5. Now Paste the URL in the address bar which you copied in 2nd step. You will see
an error message This Content is Currently Unavailable.
6. Now to Access Deleted Photo paste the URL in the address bar which you have
copied in 3rd step.

So, if anyone knows the URL of the photo then he can easily access your deleted photos.

Why Facebook Images are Available After Deletion?

Facebook works on Continent Distribution Network known as CDN to give quick and easy access to its users. When an image and video is uploaded then many copies of same photo or video becomes available on local servers. When a user deletes a photo or video from his account then it is deleted from the Facebook’s main server but remains available on other server for 30 months (2.5 Years) and user’s can access deleted photo and video.

Beware!! Deleted Images Can be Accessed on Facebook

If you are the power user on Facebook and share your personal information like photos, videos on it then beware you may be under threat. When a user upload any photo or video, it automatically gets syndicated to multiple facebook servers without user’s to enable quickly access and it may be accessed even after the deletion. It is a major loophole in the Facebook’s privacy.